
Nodes of ranvier
Nodes of ranvier

nodes of ranvier

Precise regulation of this conduction velocity may allow tuning of motor skills and sensory integration. The increase in axonal conduction speed produced by myelination allows rapid transmission of electrical signals over large distances between neuronal cell bodies and their axon terminals, and thus confers improved cognitive function. Timely delivery of information is essential for the proper function of the nervous system. Here, we review the principles by which the node of Ranvier operates and its molecular structure, and thus explain how defects at the node and paranode contribute to neurological disorders. Lengthening of the node of Ranvier, failure of the electrically resistive seal between the myelin and the axon at the paranode, and retraction of myelin to expose voltage-gated K + channels in the juxtaparanode, may contribute to altering the function of myelinated axons in a wide range of diseases, including stroke, spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis. However, recent studies have highlighted changes that occur in pathological conditions at the node of Ranvier, and at the associated paranodal and juxtaparanodal regions where neurons and myelinating glial cells interact. Surprisingly, the node of Ranvier has often been neglected when describing CNS disorders, with most pathologies classified simply as being due to neuronal defects in the grey matter or due to oligodendrocyte damage in the white matter. Healthy nodes of Ranvier are crucial for action potential propagation along myelinated axons, both in the central and in the peripheral nervous system.

Nodes of ranvier